Wednesday 14 December 2011

The Right Place @ The Right Time

Playing @ Zynga Poker I'm playing a few hands of Zynga Poker while eating a breakfast of scrambled eggs and smoked Mackerel and washing it down with a pot of green tea. To be exact it's not green tea at all, it's Yerba Mate tea from the amazon, full of antioxidants, amino acids, trace minerals and a healthy boost of caffeine to get the brain firing first thing in the morning. It was a late one last night. I was playing a couple of tournaments on PokerStars with the awesome movie Inception on in the background, the forth time I've watched it and I love the soundtrack by Hans Zimmer.

I'm on a $50/$100 table and I'm one of four players which I'm pretty much dominating; so much so that I'm about $3000 up and I've only been playing for ten minutes. I'm thinking its part to do with the fact I'm awesome at poker but also got something to do with the fact these three lads are from the USA and it's about 3am over there. 9 times out of 10 a player who has just woken from eight hours sleep will be a lot more switched on to a poker game than someone who hasn't slept in 18 hours and is going off to bed soon. The other thing is Zynga Poker is a free website where people play for fun, so people are pretty loose and easy going with fake money. You can buy $120,000 for 69p but why would you pay actual money for fake money? It's totally stupid. If you want to invest in poker, play real poker at PokerStars or EuroPoker. Some players on Zynga Poker are Pro $5,000,000 but their balance shows that they only have $10,000 in the bank. That means this moron is so loose with his money that he's lost $4,990,000 of fake cash which is the equivalent of nearly £50 real money. Don't get me wrong Zynga Poker is one of my favourite websites that I practise strategies on and meet up with friends on FaceBook, but some of the people you meet are real stupid. They want to brag about being a fake millionaire like it makes them good at poker in real life.

This morning was the perfect example. I'm $7000 up and bankrupt one of my adversaries. So the remaining three of us are playing when some random girl from Thailand enters the table with $35,000 and goes all in on the first hand. The other two fold and just for the sheer hell of it I call her, the chances of her having a winning hand on the first round are remote so the odds are in my favor. Big surprise I beat her high card Ace with two pair. She leaves the table and then instantly is back with another $35,000. She goes all in again, and I see her, collecting another $35,000. The third time she does this I fold as sooner or later the odds are going to be in her favor and I'm already $70,000 in profit after 45 seconds of play. I decide to say goodbye to the table and leave. 

Poker after all is a game of probability and sometimes winning means being in the right place at the right time... even if you are playing for fake chips.